Aquila Tenor Ukulele String Set New Nylgut Regular Tuning 10U



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Aquila Tenor Ukulele String Set New Nylgut Regular Tuning 10U. Until the mid-20th century Ukuleles were mounted exclusively in gut, a material that had been used for thousands of years and that combines excellent promptness of attack with brilliance of timbre – very different, in other words, from modern nylon strings. And until recently the typical sound quality of gut has been a constant point of reference for luthiers, composers and performers, This Improved Nylgut material has a higher density then Nylon Stings.

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Compared to Nylon, the New Nylgut produces a better sound and stays in tune better, this because the moisture absorption is less than 0.1% against the 2.0% of Nylon normally employed for intstrument strings.Due to the higher density, similar to that of pure gut, the New Nylgut produces a better sound than Nylon and it is not so metallic like those of the so-called ‘Carbon’ (Fluorocarbon) PVDF strings. In other words, the New Nylgut is probably the first genuine synthetic gut in the world.


  • Series: Aquila New Nylgut Series
  • Set: High G
  • Colour: White
  • Tuning: GCEA
  • Complexity: Rich
  • Tone: Nuetral
  • Projection: Loud


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